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Curly Hair Method

How to get healthy, well-defined curls

The Curly Hair Method is a grooming routine to meet the needs of wavy and/or curly hair. It is based on the idea that heat, unsuitable products and the wrong styling increasingly break down the hair’s natural structure. That’s why the aim of the Curly Hair Method is to make hair radiant in all its naturally wavy or curly glory. 

Particular attention is paid here to the ingredients of the grooming products used. Products containing silicones and sulphates are avoided altogether. The method can be expanded by also cutting out products that contain parabens, alcohol and tensides. In addition, no heat is used for styling. 

The Curly Hair Method consists of four steps that will give your tresses new definition and grooming. See for yourself how it works! 


Step 1: Wash your hair

The first step of the Curly Hair Method is washing your hair the right way. Use a shampoo that contains no silicones, sulphates, parabens, or alcohol that dries out the hair. These ingredients can weigh down your hair and leach out the moisture. Instead, the shampoo should have a mild formulation and contain as few additives as possible, to preserve your hair’s natural moisture. Remember to massage your scalp gently to remove dirt and excess oil. 

FRESH shampoo is ideal for treating your tresses because it cleans gently and it is free of silicones, sulphates and desiccating alcohols. Hydrating ingredients such as aloe vera and glycerine groom the hair, while our complex, NBC7, supports the scalp’s natural microbiome. That way your hair stays supple and your curls well-defined. 

Step 2: Groom & detangle

After shampooing comes grooming with a silicone-free conditioner to hydrate the hair and make it supple. Choose an extra-nourishing product. Apply it generously to the hair lengths and tips, and leave it in long enough to do its work. While you wait, you can carefully detangle your hair with a wide-toothed comb or your fingers to loosen knots without damaging the natural structure of the hair. 

If you are still looking for a suitable product for this step, we can recommend our FRESH hair treatment. FRESH hair treatment is perfect for the Curly Hair Method because it intensively grooms hair and detangles it. Ingredients such as inchi oil and our NBC7 ensure plenty of moisture and suppleness, so that you can untangle your curls gently and easily. 

Step 3: Leave-in care

After rinsing out the product from Step 2, it’s time for some leave-in care. A leave-in product is used to give the hair additional grooming, to optimally define curls and to reduce frizz. For this, use a leave-in conditioner or curl cream. Spread the product evenly to damp hair lengths and tips to get your curls into shape and give them suppleness and shine.

Did you already know that you can also use our FRESH hair treatment as a leave-in product? So you can use it for Step 2, rinse it out, then reapply it and leave it on your hair. So, for your curl routine, FRESH hair training is a 2-in-1 product although, really, it can even be used in 4 different ways. Curious? Then jump to FRESH hair treatment


Step 4: Dry hair gently

Now it’s time to dry your freshly washed and groomed tresses. The right drying is just as important for beautiful, well-defined results as the grooming beforehand. The plopping method is the ideal way of drying your hair gently. To do this, wrap your wet hair in a microfibre hand towel or a cotton T-shirt. That prevents frizz and makes the hair extra soft. In addition, this technique keeps the curls in bundles so that they retain their elasticity. You can either use this method overnight, or during the day, until your hair is completely dry. 

If you need to dry it faster, then you can use a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment – but only at the coolest temperature. Because heat is absolutely forbidden with the Curly Hair Method. 

Enjoy trying out the Curly Hair Method – here’s hoping that your fabulous mane will turn out healthy, well-defined and gloriously radiant.

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